History, Biography & Geneology
AbdoZOOM Biographies
With 160 compelling biographies to choose from, young readers will learn about the lives of important people and their contributions. Each biography is broken down into easy-to-read, chronological sections, focusing on each person’s impact, early life, rise to fame, breakthrough, legacy, and more. Enjoy a diverse list of important figures from yesterday and today, including inventors, explorers, entertainers, athletes and activists.
Find census, birth, marriage and death records, newspaper and historical stories, photos, historical maps and other media.
Biography Reference Bank
A comprehensive collection of more than 200,000 full text biographies, including the complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine, as well as thousands of narrative biographies that are not available in other databases.
Connecticut Digital Collections
CT Digital libraries provided by the Connecticut State Library, including books, letters, newspapers, photographs and more.
Hartford Courant-Historical, 1764-1991
Searchable full text and images from every available issue between 1764 and 1991.
Hartford Courant, 1992-present
Searchable full text and images from every available issue between 1992 and the present.
History Reference Center
Designed for secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges and undergraduate research, this database features full text for more than 1,990 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books.
From the Library & Home (Avon cardholders)
From Home (non-Avon cardholders)
New York Times – Historical, 1851-2013
Full-text and full-image coverage of the New York Times newspaper from 1851-2013.
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